Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Woman + Coffee = Less Depression

Another study concerning depression and coffee was released and it is no surprise that coffee helps people with depression or those who are likely to become depressed.  This is not new news but it reinforces that idea of something in coffee makes you a happy person, jut like chocolate.  Now there's a great mixture, chocolate coffee.

Albert Ascherio of Harvard School of Public Health  headed the research team that studied a group of women for 14 years dating back to 1976 and measured their coffee consumption during that period.  They classified the women according to how much coffee they drank and followed them for an additional 10 years.  That is a very long time and I really have to hand it to the team for do this for  24 years.
The  team studied more than 50,000 women enrolled in a health study of nurses. The women had an average age of 63, and none were depressed when they enrolled in the study. 

The conclusion of the studies are as followed

1.Women who drink four cups of coffee a day are 20% less likely to become depressed               than women who rarely drink coffee.

2. Women who were in the top fifth of the overall caffeine consumption, chocolate and soft drinks also had a 20%  lower risk of depression that the bottom fifth.

Known Facts

Caffeine is the most popular central nervous system stimulant in the world, and coffee consumption accounts for about 80 percent of caffeine use. Drinking coffee offers a boost of energy for a short time, so in order to maintain the natural 'HIGH' more coffee must be drunken.  Maybe that is why most coffee drinkers  love their coffee first thing in the morning and one in mid morning.  It is cheaper that the energy boost drinks!

Ascherio said there have been very few studies that look at the long-term effects of coffee consumption. One smaller study in Finland showed men who drank a lot of coffee were less likely to commit suicide.
And Ascherio's own team has shown that drinking a lot of coffee may be protective against Parkinson's disease in both men and women.  He said it is not yet clear how coffee might protect against depression, but there are some hints.

Animal studies have shown that caffeine protects against certain neurotoxins and brain receptors that respond to caffeine are concentrated in the basal ganglia, an area that is important for both depression and Parkinson's disease. 

Final Conclusion

      Drink coffee..........Eat chocolate..................enjoy your day!
But remember to eat and drink in moderation or the pounds will show and you will be bouncing off the walls!

Visit  http://www.blackgoldcoffeecompany.com/  for the quality coffee(roasted and green) at quality prices.

Enjoy your day and your coffee!
Deanna,  Morning Cupper

Monday, September 5, 2011

Your local Barista is working on Labor Day!

Today is Labor day and most of us are not working and enjoying the day off.  Around the world, coffee shops are open and the one person who makes sure that each customer's day starts off right is the Barista.  They comes in and work on providing the highest coffee drink quality to their customers.  They are always concerned about the quality of their coffee product and will ask the customer if in doubt about the coffee request. 

Yes... there are some that are just serving coffee for the paycheck and don't really care and you can probably name a dozen or so of that type but there are some who are really passionate about their trade and take it seriously.  The sad reality of this person is that some coffee shop owners do not realize the value of their talents and pay as little as possible.  They look at the bottom line of the day's recipts as a check of success or failure and then there are those who look at their employees and what they offer to the customers as a check of success or failure.

StarBucks Coffee is one corporation that seems to believe in the first check and not the second.  Hire the Barista and pay them peanuts.  In Chile, last month, some Baristas went on strike for better wages.  They were being paid minimum wages and working long hours.   They took a stand against their employee and I hope them did well.  They have unionized in that country and I have to say that this is a good think for workers in this area of service.  I am not a big fan of unionized labor but in some area of the work world you need this in order to make a decent living wage.   I have to appland some Baristta's in the states that staged a 1 or 2 days strike in order to bring to light what StarBucks Coffee is doing in Chile.   

So.... when you go into a coffee shop and order a latte or espresso to go, tip your barista and thank them for being there. 

Enjoy the day!
Deanna, Morning Cupper

For fresh roasted coffee and green coffee beans for home roasters
      Fresh Roast...Fresh Coffee...Fair Price