Monday, December 28, 2009

Coffee Beans Chronicles - Winter Season Warmers

Winter is here in full force and in some areas of the world, it is a lion! This is the best season to slow down the pace of your life,enjoy your friends, family, and good comfort food. I think coffee is one of the best comfort food that one can enjoy. It is simple, yet complex. It can be serve with an assortment of sugar, milk, cream, cinnamon, spices from the east or thick, black and strong(Turkish coffee). There is no proper time to drink coffee, for it is an anytime drink. It is one of the most universal food we have to enjoy and so many ways to enjoy it. You can drink, bake and cook with it. You can feed your plants with the coffee grounds after you have finished your brew (recycle 101 - jack up your plants with caffeine!).

Home Roasters can take time to experiment with roasting a blend of coffee beans for their own signature and enjoying the taste of rick, robust coffee, only days young. The art of roasting is one of skill, curious and the unknown.

I would like to wish everyone, a peaceful and plentiful end of year rites. Think of what you have and not want you have not, for there are those who are worse off than you. Enjoy your coffee, keep warm and always remember; the simple things in life are the best.

Winter Solstice to all!

Fresh Roast...Fresh Coffee...Fair Price

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Coffee Bean Chronicles - Columbian coffee prices increase

The price of Columbian coffee has increased in the market due to the demand and the short supply of it. This should not affect the price of a good cup of Columbian coffee at this time, since the time span between the purchase and the final product is around 3-6 months from now, but as usually happens, there will be some retailers and coffee shops that will increase their coffee prices just on the wind of the word. So, if you notice that the coffee prices have increase in your favorite coffee shop, ask why! This coffee is one of the favorites for blends, espresso and plain. It is one of the biggest sellers on the coffee market.

The price increase is minimal and it should not be affect the cost of the coffee considering that a cup of coffee is around 80 cents to make.
All the reason to invest in a good coffee maker and grinder and make your own and if you are interested in the next step, learn to roast your own coffee in your home. Nothing is better that fresh roasted coffee.

Happy sipping and enjoy the day!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Coffee Bean Chronicles - Cool Coffee!

Summer has finally arrived with a big bang in some parts of the country and when termperatures hit the high 90's it is refreshing to have an ice cold glass of coffee to enjoy and cool down. Alot of people ask me how to make cold coffee and it is very easy. You can enjoy cold and hot this summer. To make cold coffee, select a bold coffee that can stand up to cold temps. Costa Rica SHB, Brazil Santos(very good cold) and Columbia Vintage are excellent choices. They hold their flavors and body when cold. Make the coffee in a French Press for the best results.
When your coffee is finished brewing, add cream and sugar to taste. Remember that it is hard to disolve sugar completely in cold coffee. Pour the coffee in a glass container and place it in the refrigrator. I perfer glass over plastic because I notice the taste seems fresher in glass.

So when the hot weather gets you down and you need a cold pick me up, grab a glass of ice cold coffee and enjoy.

Happy sipping and enjoy the summer....

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Coffee Bean Chronicles - Coffee is not for drinking only!

The summer breeze is coming our way and what better way to enjoy your fresh roasted coffee buy over a bowl of ice cold vanilla ice cream. The taste of cold coffee dripping over ice cream just makes you cool all over. One of the most overlooked summer treats are the simple ones. Nothing fancy or takes hours to make but the simple cool/cold treats that you can make.

Brew your favorite coffee. I love the rich heavy taste of a bold roast of Brazil Santos and at times the bold roast of India Monsoon Malabar mixed with decaf Guatemala Antigua. Place the coffee in the frig for chilling. When you are ready to enjoy your ice cream, place a few teaspoons of cold coffee over the ice cream and enjoy.

Also you can freeze the coffee and and make a coffee float or milkshake.
Coffee can be used in many of our daily recipes and what way is the best for you depends on what you like to eat during the summer months, so experiment and find your perfect summer time treat!

As always, fresh roasted coffee, roast to your order and delivered is always the best and the price is below the store carried coffee. Coffee in any store is not fresh because it has bee sitting in place for weeks if not months before anyone uses it. Just think of the difference from eating fresh strawberries from the vine and eating the ones in the store. Big difference in taste!!

For the best prices on quality fresh roasted coffee:

Enjoy your cupping and cool down with cold coffee!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Coffee Bean Chronicles - ICE COFFEE!!!

Most of us are straight coffee drinkers. Some like it black, some like it with sugar and cream and other like it with sugar, cream and a flavor to jump start their day. Summer is just around the corner and what better way to enjoy your coffee,but on ice. Yes, ice coffee is wonderful and made correctly, your preference will be ice coffee instead of tea. To make a good pitcher of coffee may take some time but it is worth the time. Brew your favorite blend or origin and store it in a container to cool down before putting it in the refrigerator. As it is cooling add the sugar and cream and any flavor that you like. I like a little rum in mine! When the coffee is at room temperature, place it in the refrigerator for later in the day for ice coffee. Can't wait... throw some ice in a cup and enjoy or pour ina chilled mug and place a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top!

The types of coffees will make a difference, so I recommend a Brazil Santos or a Costa Rica SHB EP or Costa Rica Tarrazu for a deep, rich taste; Ethiopian Yiragette or Indonesian Sumatra for lighter coffee. These coffees do not loose their taste when cold.

Believe it or not, fresh roasted decaf. Costa Rica is a hit too.

check out the great selections of high quality coffees:

Your place for fresh roasted coffee and green coffee beans for the home roasters

Happy cupping and enjoy your day!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Coffee Bean Chronicles - Find your own roasting style...

Oh.. the smell of spring is in the air and what better way to start a spring morning but with a fresh cup of fresh brewed coffee. Many people in the coffee industry will tell you that the best roast of a certain type of coffee is the best way to enjoy it. But does everyone have the same taste buds? The answer is no. Some people may like a medium roast of African coffee while others like the bold/strong roast of the South American coffee. When shopping for the perfect coffee for you, shop around and try a good variety of roast before settling on one type roast. You may find out that the taste of a bold roast of Brazil Santos or Guatemala Antigua is your favorite or the medium roast of the delicate Tanzania Highland Peaberry or Ethiopia Yir. is more your style. Just keep in mind, your style of roast is what really counts because you are going to be drinking the coffee and not the coffee experts.

So shop around and experience the roast styles of many before making your final decision and if you think that the roast is close but maybe a little more or less, contact your roaster and ask if they can do a custom roast for you. Our company will do custom roast because we understand that not all tastebuds are the same. Home roasters, you can invent your own type of roast for your coffee.

For the best coffee prices and fresh roast(roasted per order), check This website has a good selective list of coffee , roasted or green beans and as always...

Enjoy the day and happy cupping!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Coffee Bean Chronicles - India Monsoon Malabar - OH SO GOOD!

Spring has hit some parts of the country and it is just around the corners for others. This is the perfect time to enjoy a good well-balance coffee from India that is TOTALLY under the radar! The coffee jumps out with a smooth rich taste and has a wonderful coffee aftertaste. Some people have asked me about aftertaste of a good coffee. It is when the coffee taste lingers at the back of the month, has an enjoyable taste and your palatte wants more! Something like wine! This coffee is fantastic roasted bold which some people call full city. The beans have a clear dark chocolate color and smell great. The taste is not strong but it is not mild either. It is in between which makes this a good coffee for Espresso blends, for drinkers who like strong or medium balanced coffee with no milk or sugar. It is time for this coffee to be discovered in the coffee shops and at home as it can stand alone with no additives and yell with great coffee taste. India Monsoon Malabor is fantastic. This is a coffee bean that home roasters can not mess up!

India Monsoon Malabar - a diamond in the ruff!

Order some today at :

Enjoy your day and your coffee!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Coffee Bean Chronicles - So you want good Espresso

It seems to be the 'rage' to make your own espresso these days. I guess with the ecomony on the shallow end of the pond, people are deciding what to do without. Many coffee drinkers I know are realizing that making espresso is really not that hard and takes a matter of minutes.
You don't have to spend a fortune on a espresso machine or an espresso pump for good espresso.
You can buy a 'Bialetti' and enjoy making espresso whenever you feel to the need for high caffeine. The 8oz. bialetti is under 15.00 and it is fantastic. No mess, no fuss and it is portable. I do love the pump and it is great toy but not necessary.
Now.. let's talk coffee. You DO NOT have to buy expensive blends of coffee to get a good cup of espresso. Europeans stick to the basics and we go to the extremes!! Guatamela Antigua is a perfect coffee for espresso and Brazil Santos is so smooth that when it goes down, you will want more.
Now.. you can have good blends and they are usually a South American(bold and outward) and Pacific Rim/Asia ( smooth and fruity...) They complient each other and one flavor does not overwhelm the other.
Good Espresso is smooth and leaves a good coffee taste on our palatte afterwards. It slides down your throat and wakes up your tastebuds.

oh.. one more suggestion. NEVER drink espresso 4 hours before you go to bed or you will be up all night!

Good Espresso starts with a good blend:

Happy cupping!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Coffee Bean Chronicles - Oh the Coffee Shortage of South America

You probably heard about the shortage of coffee from South American this year. Yep... I guess there is going to be a high price to pay for coffee in the states because of the shortage, but think not. If you weight the initial cost of coffee (farmers price) to the price the consumer pays, it is around 300% . There should be no raise in coffee prices in the consumer market. There will be some coffee retailers who will increase the price just because of this situation and there are coffee retailers that will take a smaller profit but still offer the same quality of coffee. So the next time you view the price of roasted coffee or coffee green beans, look back and compare.

The BlackGold Coffee Company policy is to sell at a fair market price. We sell our coffee fresh off the roaster and never store it in storage. So, be careful when you shop and remember, an educated consumer is the best consumer!

Enjoy your coffee and happy cupping!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Coffee Bean Chronicles - Tanzania Highland Peaberry

The weather is finally turning to spring and the temperature is 70 degrees today. Ah.. I forget to tell t you that the Daily Sip is blogged from Atlanta, GA. Those of you who are living in 20-30 degree weather at this time, don't worry, your turn will come. This is perfect weather for a coffee that is not overwhelming in taste and glides down your throat everytime. The wonderful aroma of fresh brewed coffee and the taste just wants you to get more. What coffee is this? It is Tanzania Highland Peaberry. This coffee is becoming well known in the states because of its smooth, mellow and well balanced taste. I love it because I consider it an anytime coffee. This coffee is an African coffee, so it NOT as heavy in color ( dark, sweetheart!!) as the South American coffees but it carries a great taste. Home Roasters would enjoy this bean to the second crack and pull the beans when you see the first sign of smoke or 30 seconds after the 2nd crack. Roasting times and temp may varied and one suggestion is 460 degrees for 15 minutes.

Got you thinking about this coffee, well order the roasted or green beans from:

well... the backyard is calling me, so I must move on and outdoors.

Enjoy your day and happy cupping!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Coffee Bean Chronicles - Brazil Santos, hot coffee on a cold morning

People in Atlanta do not see alot of snow and most of the time it is cold weather and chilly rain. This past Sunday, the city received 2 inches of good packing snow during the afternoon hours. Itwas great to see the hugh snow flakes fall from the sky, dancing in the wind. It was in the 20's and not a t-shirt/short day. I made myself some fresh Brazil Santos coffee that I roasted earlier in the week. No cream or sugar, just black and it was wonderful. This bean should be roasted through the second crack and smoking! It has a rich taste that makes your taste buds want more. It is very balance, which means it does not taste bitter or weak and has very little aftertaste in the mouth, so you don't have to pop a mint in your mouth. This coffee should be more well known in the states,but the coffee cafes and stores are too narrow in their coffee selections and that is a shame. If you can try some Brazil Santos.

Happy cupping.... and enjoy the day!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Coffee Bean Chronicles - Feburary coffee pick of the month -MMMMMMMMMMMMmm

It is a cold Altanta morning, well cold by southern standards. I brewed some bold Guatemala Antigua from a batch last week and it is rich and wonderful. No bitter taste and it is so wondeful. I need this still I am realigning my retirement portfolio. I am moving stocks to GMNA and BONDS for the year. Stocks 40, Bonds 30, GMNA 30. I think the market will crawl with min. growth uintil June and start to pick itself up. September it will start walking alittle but it will be concern over some of the debt that can not be paid back. The financial institutions will start leading under new rules of engagment, which is loan to those who can pay back. It is better to get a lower return on investment than none at all.

As I drink the coffee, it's richness is better at room temperature and not too hot. I brewed this coffee in an espresso brewer( perk!!!). I am finding out that perk is richer that drip or french press. Ah... more to come...