Sunday, August 9, 2015

Banana Coffee Smoothie.. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Good!

The dog days of summer are here and I live on ice cold smoothies.  I will admit that I am not a big fan of soy milk but it seems to make the best smoothies.   I have tried whole milk and vanilla yogurt and they are fine but there is something about soy milk that brings out the richness of a smoothie.    Here is one of my favorite smoothie recipes, banana coffee smoothie.  You will need to plan ahead ( 1 day) because of the frozen coffee cubes and bananas but it worth the wait.

1 cup of plain soy milk, vanilla yogurt or whole milk.
7 frozen ice cubes of french roast coffee ( we used Kenya AA or Brazil Santos)
2 frozen ripe bananas ( Sliced)

You will need strong espresso coffee.  I  used Kenya AA french roast coffee beans ground  for espresso.  The ratio of water to coffee grounds is 50-50 in a French press.  This allows the coffee to brew slow and strong. Brew the coffee for 5 minutes, cool to room temperature, fill an ice tray and freeze it for 24 hours. A good indication that the coffee is good and strong is the ring of crema around ice cube. Freeze 2 ripe, pealed bananas. 
Crema around the coffee cube

smoothie ingredients
Add 7 frozen coffee cubes, 1 cup of cold soy milk, whole milk or vanilla yogurt and 2 sliced frozen bananas into the blender.  Blend until the smoothie has a smooth texture. Pour the smoothie in a glass.

Refrigerate the smoothie for a few hours to bring out a richer coffee taste and a thicker texture.

Enjoy your smoothie and remember BlackGold Coffee Company offers fresh roasted coffee and green coffee beans for the home roaster. Visit our store at

Enjoy your life.. Enjoy our coffee..

Deanna M. Helie, Morning Cupper

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