Thursday, January 20, 2011

Organic Coffee. What is behind the labels

Not all organic coffee is the same when it comes to cerification.   Organic coffee does cost more because the money is being past to the farmers at a higher price, and the growth of organic coffee( shade grown) may be slower and thus getting it to the market is limited.  While your coffee selection comes down to personal taste, learning what the label on the bag may justifiy the cost.

USA Certified Organic:  Grown without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers

Bird-Friendly: Grown using shade management practices, to foster conditions on coffee plantations that provide good bird habitats

Fair Trade: Small farmers get a fair price for their coffee  and are encouraged to use practices without the use of harmful pesticides or child labor.

For the best prices on roasted coffee and green coffee beans(home roasters) visit: blackgoldcoffeecompany Enjoy your coffee.

Morning Cupper

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